Rotary Basics - Maverick
This is a Rotary 101 course especially designed for Presidents-Elect and -Nominee who have been in Rotary three years or fewer. Facilitators: PDG Michelle Bohreer and PDG Eric Liu
President’s Role in Budget & Finance - Enterprise A
This session focuses on the President’s role in a financially healthy club by answering questions about budgets, financials, 990s, recording keeping and entities for charitable donations. Facilitator PDG Ronney Reynolds
How Do I Run Club & Board Meetings and Club Assemblies? - Dallas
Stimulating meetings, programs and assemblies are key to attracting members, keeping members and member satisfaction. This session will show you how to accomplish those goals and how your board can help. Facilitator PDG Bob Dill
Finding New Members and Keeping Them! - Glasscock
This session focuses on recruiting & retaining members and how the Membership Success Center can help. Facilitator Holly Weems Croom
What Presidents Need to Know about the Rotary Foundation and Getting Members Involved 7:00 PM only - Grapevine
Learn how the local & international impact of The Rotary Foundation can build enthusiasm, participation and engagement among club members. Facilitator AARFC Bill Dendy
The Rotary Foundation for PEs and PNs only 8:00 PM only - Grapevine
This class will be presented at 8:00 pm only. This session provides information on The Rotary Foundation which is vital for Club Presidents to lead their club in humanitarian efforts. Facilitator: AARFC Jerry Chapman
What is Rotary Club Central and How Do I Use It? - San Antonio
This session consists of “hands-on” learning on the use of Rotary Club Central & My Rotary. Participants MUST have their own laptop, Rotary Member Number or Login. Facilitators: DDG Geron Scates and Leslie Gattis
What Legal Pitfalls Might My Club Face? - Carter
This session addresses your club’s liability at a fundraiser or project, what to do when someone says they were harassed, and why you need conflict resolution. Facilitators PDG Heff Tallas & PDG Rhonda Walls Kerby
Action Plans and Setting Goals for your club - Hobby
This session introduces Rotary Action Plans and simplifies setting goals for your club. Clubs with goals and a plan tend to be more successful. Facilitator PDG Scott Rainey
What Rotary Youth Programs are Available to My Club? - Houston
From Early Act/First Knight to Interact to Rotary Youth Exchange and RYLA there are many Rotary programs to support youth and train future leaders. Your club can improve your community and energize your members through youth programs! This will be a panel discussion with audience participation. Facilitators PDG Lisa Herring and PDG Mindi Snyder and Anniela Carracedo
What Can Club Runner Do for My Club? (THIS IS A TWO-HOUR COURSE) - Enterprise 2
This session aims to help both new and advanced users. The first half of the session will cover the basics of Club Runner and provide an overview of features. The second half of the session will feature and deeper dive into Online Payments with Cloud Events & Donations, Rotary Integrations Services and the Website and Bulletin Designer. Facilitators Club Runner Staff and Halle Asterbandi, Co-Founder and COO of Club Runner
Why is Public Image Everything? - Fort Worth
This exciting session will show you how your club can become well-known, respected and sought after by community leaders. We have a great story to tell, this course will help you tell your story! Facilitator RIPIC Patrick Harrison
What can The Rotary Foundation do for you? - Austin
Join us for this lively insider’s look at how charitable giving to The Rotary Foundation can do more than change lives-it can help you keep more of your hard earned dollars! Discover tax savvy tips, tricks and maybe a laugh or two as we show you how to make the most of your generosity. You walk away feeling smarter, inspired, and maybe even a little wealthier (in spirit and savings)? Facilitators TRF Major Gifts Officer Shelley Hill and DG Nancy Anderson
Spouses & Partners Reception 7 to 8 pm ONLY - Lone Star 2
This is a welcome reception for our Spouses & Partners. It will take place from 7 pm to 8 pm only. Facilitators Susie and Clete McAlister